The colossi-of-memnon
When you visit Egypt, one of the major landmarks is the Colossi of Memnon, which makes tours here very interesting and extremely memorable. It is said that Amenhotep III constructed a mortuary temple in Thebes. Two statues guarded this temple on the entry gates. Today we see a 23 meter (75ftt) high collection of structures of the statues of...
Lamu Island
This place is quite undiscovered and is still quite unspoiled. The tiny island of lamu is Kenya’s oldest city; this amazing place is where you can explore all of Africa’s Swahili and Islamic cultures. There is just one car on the entire island.  The streets here are too tiny to accommodate any kind of vehicles except donkeys. Although this...
Great Erta Ale
Ethiopia is a country that is located in the horn of Africa. This place is officially known as the Federal Democratic republic of Ethiopia. . This happens to be the second most populated country in Africa. Ethiopia has a population of about seventy nine million. It is the tenth largest country in the African Continent. The capital of this...
Kotu Beach Gambia
The Gambia is the smallest country on Africa’s mainland which should temper any expectation of hundreds of miles of beach front. What’s more, the country is long and narrow mirroring the path of the Gambia River. This leaves it with roughly 80 kilometers of Atlantic coastline. But despite its size and tiny coastline, the Gambia boasts an impressive array...
Bandiagara Escarpment
The Bandiagara Escarpment is a beautiful escarpment in West Africa. Located in Mali in Dogon, this is a sandstone cliff rising above the height of 500 metres just above the sandy stretch in the south. Extending for a length of around 150 kilometres, the entire escarpment area is today inhabited by the people of the Dogon group. Earlier the...


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