If ever you get the urge that you want to know more about ancient Egyptian culture and art try and visit the Great Pyramid of King Khufu. He was one of the most powerful pharaohs in ancient Egypt. He loved architecture and the fact that it was hereditary does not make it less admirable because King Khufu’s father King Snefru was also very well known for building pyramids. One of the most awesome works done by King Khufu is the Pyramid of Giza.

As this a common knowledge that every Pharaoh has to house his body after death for his journey afterlife, King Khufu started building.

Pyramid of Giza as soon as he was given the throne and the construction of this pyramid lasted for the most part of his reign that is 23 years. His rule was supposedly for 26 years.

This pyramid is the burial chamber of the great pharaoh but no evidence of his mummified corpse has been found. This is the largest tomb constructed for any man and is considered among the wonders of the world. No doubt, wouldn’t you wonder the power and magnitude of this great man and his work. And when you go to visit the Giza the wonder can turn into fascination and consent that a great king like Khufu certainly deserves to be buried in a tomb as huge, majestic, and wonderful as the pyramid of Giza.

When you do visit this amazing wonder you will be thrilled to realize that the king had great taste in art and would like to be surrounded by his own talent even after death.

This gigantic pyramid stands at its impressive height of 145 meters and is located just outside the city limits of Cairo. This pyramid has a 4000-year-old history and has disintegrated over the years because the masonry of this pyramid was used to build modern structures.

This disintegration does not affect the Majesty of this Pyramid because it still stands proud and tall to this day even though it has lost 10 meters of its height.

If you interested to know what forces were used to build this wonder then it is a popular belief that King Khufu used forced labor or slavery as his tool. But the other story says that he used his organizational skills and talent by asking the people of Egypt to construct. Historians are not sure whether the people under his rule did it for wages or for taxes to get waived. But he managed to make it an architectural wonder.

History tells us that King Khufu was a merciless, cruel, and ruthless ruler. But what we should remember as of now is that he accomplished to make us awestruck at his determination and talent to create such glory for himself. And for people who are much interested in ancient Egypt and its culture should certainly not miss visiting the great pyramid of Giza of King Khufu.


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